Below is our catalogue of informational videos that our physiotherapists have made to better help you stay active!

Click on a physiotherapist to learn more!


Shoulder Instability Exercises

External Rotation Strengthening

Shoulder Stability Exercises

External Rotation Strengthening Part Two

Shoulders: Basic Pilates Principals

Thoracic & Ribs



Ribcage Alignment

Disc Herniation

Thoracic Spine Stretches

Lower Body

Quadricep Stretches

How to check the strength of your glute

Glute Exercises

Hip Rotator Stretches

Flip Flop Challenge: Lower Leg and Foot Strengthening

Running Warm-up: ABCD’s

Calf Stretches

Calf Muscle Education

Hamstring Stretches

Plantar Fasciitis

5 Fundamental Running Exercises

Posture & Techniques

Pro Tips for Your Posture

Benefits of Walking

Head Posture

Proper Lifting Techniques

Bike Performance

Walking Tips for Beginners

Jaw Pain

Breathing Techniques

Posture Reset

What is a neutral pelvis and why is it important

How to Squat

Dynamic and Static Balance

Balance Exercises

Exercises for Special Populations

Series for Older Adults - Balance

Exercises and Stretches for Desk Workers


Office Ergonomics

Exercises for relieving stress

Upper Cross Syndrome